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Bohemian waxwing, Canada

Bohemian waxwing, Canada (© Mircea Costina/Alamy)

Bohemian waxwing, Canada (© Mircea Costina/Alamy)


Often spotted in flocks, Bohemian waxwings are social songbirds that search for food in large and sometimes noisy groups. Scattered across Canada, where our photo was taken, these birds breed in northern regions of Eurasia and North America. While they prefer boreal forests and open woodlands, they can also be found in towns, provided there are abundant fruit trees. Bohemian waxwings often balance themselves on flimsy branches to eat berries, and they prey on insects with the intent of catching them in mid-air. They have colourful wings and a high-pitched trill.
© Mircea Costina/Alamy