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Indian peafowl, Nagarahole National Park, Karnataka, India

Indian peafowl, Nagarahole National Park, Karnataka, India (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock)

Indian peafowl, Nagarahole National Park, Karnataka, India (© Vivek BR/Shutterstock)


Nagarahole National Park, located in the state of Karnataka in south-west India, is a place of unspoiled wilderness, with serene forests, bubbling streams, tranquil lakes and reservoirs. The park gets its name from the snake-like Kabini River, the largest of the park's waterways, which lies to the south and separates it from Bandipur National Park. ‘Naga’ means ‘snake’ and ‘hole’ means ‘stream’ in the Kannada language.
© Vivek BR/Shutterstock