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Treetop Walk Saarschleife, Orscholz, Mettlach, Germany

Treetop Walk Saarschleife, Orscholz, Mettlach, Germany (© Hans-Peter Merten/Huber/eStock Photo)

Treetop Walk Saarschleife, Orscholz, Mettlach, Germany (© Hans-Peter Merten/Huber/eStock Photo)


Today we’re looking down on the Treetop Walk Saarschleife, a walkway in the Orscholz area of Mettlach in western Germany. Built atop a rocky vantage point known as the 'Cloef', the walkway is 1,250 metres long and winds its way through beech, oak and Douglas fir trees towards an observation tower. From the 42-metre-high tower, you have an impressive view of the surrounding countryside and the Saarschleife – a dramatic and iconic bend in the river Saar.
© Hans-Peter Merten/Huber/eStock Photo