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Riou island, Calanques National Park, France

Riou island, Calanques National Park, France (© Jason Langley/AWL Images/Offset by Shutterstock)

Riou island, Calanques National Park, France (© Jason Langley/AWL Images/Offset by Shutterstock)


These limestone cliffs plunging into the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean are part of Calanques National Park between the city of Marseille and the town of Cassis in southern France. The Calanques are a series of rocky cliffs and bays that punctuate the craggy coastline, and there are plenty of these spectacular inlets to explore on foot or by boat, including Calanque d’En Vau on our homepage.
© Jason Langley/AWL Images/Offset by Shutterstock