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Southern yellow-billed hornbills in Kruger National Park, South Africa

Southern yellow-billed hornbills in Kruger National Park, South Africa (© Richard Du Toit/Minden Pictures)

Southern yellow-billed hornbills in Kruger National Park, South Africa (© Richard Du Toit/Minden Pictures)

Wild about wildlife

What better time to shine a spotlight on nature than on World Wildlife Day? This day serves as a reminder that wildlife conservation is a shared responsibility. This year's theme is 'Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet.' The events emphasize exchanging ideas, presenting solutions, and diving into how innovative finance can help stop biodiversity loss and create a more sustainable future. Schools, conservation groups, and wildlife parks host events such as nature walks, workshops, art contests, wildlife photography competitions, and conservation talks to raise awareness.
© Richard Du Toit/Minden Pictures