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Prayer flags in Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan

Prayer flags in Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan (© John Warburton-Lee/DanitaDelimont.com)

Prayer flags in Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan (© John Warburton-Lee/DanitaDelimont.com)

Make your own rainbow

This kaleidoscopic column is made up of prayer flags, blowing in the breeze in the Phobjikha Valley, Bhutan. Prayer flags come in five repeating colors representing different elements in nature, blue for the sky, white for air, red for fire, green for water, and yellow for earth. The fluttering fabrics, inscribed with spiritual scripts, are usually raised during times of prosperity, such as on Bhutan's Nyinlong, their traditional day of solstice, which takes place today. As the flags fade over time, adherents believe this signifies that the prayers have been heard and are being carried away by the wind, infusing the surrounding area with positivity and spirituality.
© John Warburton-Lee/DanitaDelimont.com