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Chinstrap penguins, South Sandwich Islands, South Atlantic Ocean

Chinstrap penguins, South Sandwich Islands, South Atlantic Ocean (© Jan Vermeer/Minden Pictures)

Chinstrap penguins, South Sandwich Islands, South Atlantic Ocean (© Jan Vermeer/Minden Pictures)

They've got some things to say

Family time during the holidays isn't always harmonious. Sometimes you might be tempted to channel this chinstrap penguin and give your nearest and dearest an earful. If you need a break from all the seasonal joy, Festivus might be the holiday for you. The idea was popularized in a 'Seinfeld' episode, which detailed the Costanza family's December 23 traditions, including putting up an unadorned aluminum Festivus pole and airing their year-end personal grievances. Since the episode debuted in 1997, Festivus has taken on a life of its own both among fans and people looking for an alternative way to celebrate the season. While most embrace the trappings of the holiday season, Festivus is for the rest of us.
© Jan Vermeer/Minden Pictures