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Park service employees inspecting Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota

Park service employees inspecting Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota (© Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Park service employees inspecting Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota (© Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

All in a day's work

For Labor Day this year, we're at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota watching park rangers inspect the 60-foot-tall granite faces of Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Over on the left, and just out of camera shot, is George Washington. Beginning in 1927, sculptor Gutzon Borglum led more than 400 workers to carve these presidential visages into the granite face of Mount Rushmore. These tradespeople were not artists—most of them were miners who had come to the Black Hills looking for gold—but they knew how to use dynamite, jackhammers, and chisels, and so they worked for 14 years carving the likenesses into the stone.
© Universal Images Group via Getty Images