Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada, United States
Desert bighorn sheep in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada, United States (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)
Rocky relationship
Nature's desert navigators—desert bighorn sheep—are a marvel to watch, effortlessly scaling cliffs and navigating rocky terrains with grace. Native to North America, these sheep are known for their distinctive curled horns, which can weigh more than 10 kilograms. Rams use their massive horns in intense head-butting contests. During these battles, males hurl themselves at each other in charges of over 30 kilometres per hour. Ewes, on the other hand, tend to keep things more low-key, forming smaller groups with their lambs. Adapted to the desert environment, bighorn sheep can go long periods without water, relying on moisture from plants to survive.
© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images