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Playground at the Obereversand Lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld, Germany

Playground at the Obereversand Lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld, Germany (© INGO WAGNER/DPA/AFP via Getty Images)

Playground at the Obereversand Lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld, Germany (© INGO WAGNER/DPA/AFP via Getty Images)

Avast, landlubbers!

Today's image features playground at the Obereversand Lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld, Germany. This lighthouse is a black, four-sided lattice tower featuring two galleries and a round lantern. Constructed between 1886 and 1887 by AG Weser for the Bremen Buoy and Beacon Office, it was part of an intergovernmental project involving the states of Bremen, Oldenburg and Prussia. Originally equipped with a Fresnel belt lamp and a 500 millimetres catadioptric reflector, it used a three-wick kerosene lamp to cast light over 19 nautical kilometres. By 1905, the lighthouse was upgraded with a more powerful kerosene lamp.
© INGO WAGNER/DPA/AFP via Getty Images