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Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand

Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

Prasat Phanom Rung temple ruins, Buriram province, Thailand (© Banjongseal324/Getty Images)

Doorway to the past

Today, let us step into the Phanom Rung Historical Park in Buriram province, Thailand. Here, Khmer architecture and history come to life. Built between the 10th and 13th centuries, this remarkable site served as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Shiva. It's on the rim of an extinct volcano, offering views of the surrounding paddy fields and the towering Dongrek Mountains of Cambodia in the distance.
© Banjongseal324/Getty Images