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Defence personnel pay tribute to Kargil martyrs

Defence personnel pay tribute to Kargil martyrs (© Hindustan Times/Contributor/Getty images)

Defence personnel pay tribute to Kargil martyrs (© Hindustan Times/Contributor/Getty images)

Valour in stone

Every July 26, India comes together in pride and remembrance, honouring the heroes of the Kargil War. The day commemorates our country's major military success against Pakistan during the war. After the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, direct armed conflicts were rare until the 1990s when tensions rose due to separatist activities in Kashmir and nuclear tests by both nations in 1998. Despite the Lahore Declaration in 1999, Pakistan initiated the covert Operation Badri, leading to the Kargil War that lasted for almost 3 months.
© Hindustan Times/Contributor/Getty images