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Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain

Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park, Bardenas, Navarra, Spain (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Breath-taking silence

Within the scenic landscape of Navarra, northern Spain, the Bardenas Reales Biosphere Reserve and Natural Park is like a surrealist painting come to life! This park is renowned for its desert-like landscapes sculpted by millennia of erosion. Featuring rocky plateaus, canyons and whimsically shaped clay structures called cabezos, the park is a playground of geological wonders.
© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion