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Mount Fuji in Japan

Mount Fuji in Japan (© The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images)

Mount Fuji in Japan (© The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images)

The snows of Fuji

This shot of Mount Fuji's symmetrical cone was taken in September 2020, showcasing the first snow of the season. The dusting proved short-lived, melting in just a couple of days. And snow wouldn't come again until the end of December, raising new concerns about decades of rising temperatures on Fuji's slopes. Mount Fuji is one of the world’s most recognisable mountains and, situated about 60 miles from Tokyo, is also the world’s most-climbed volcano. As we tiptoe toward another winter, we're cheering on Mount Fuji for a snowier season. It just isn't the same without that iconic white top!
© The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images