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Petit Minou Lighthouse in the roadstead of Brest, Finistère, France

Petit Minou Lighthouse in the roadstead of Brest, Finistère, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Getty Images)

Petit Minou Lighthouse in the roadstead of Brest, Finistère, France (© Mathieu Rivrin/Getty Images)

Hailing the sentinels of the sea

To mark International Lighthouse Heritage Weekend we're visiting the Petit Minou Lighthouse just across the Channel in Brittany, on France’s north-west coast. Standing next to a fort of the same name, the lighthouse was added in 1848 to help ships navigate a tricky stretch of submerged rocks in the two-mile-long Goulet de Brest strait. Brittany’s coastlines are said to have the largest concentration of lighthouses in the world – particularly the Finistère region, where our homepage image was taken – and tourists are encouraged to discover them by following the Route des Phares (the lighthouse route). However the country with the most lighthouses is the USA, where an estimated 1,500 line up along its shores – the first built way back in 1716 near Boston.
© Mathieu Rivrin/Getty Images