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African bush elephant herd, Okavango Delta, Botswana

African bush elephant herd, Okavango Delta, Botswana (© Juan-Carlos Munoz/Minden Pictures)

African bush elephant herd, Okavango Delta, Botswana (© Juan-Carlos Munoz/Minden Pictures)

Haven't you herd? It's World Elephant Day!

We're looking down at the wetlands of Botswana, a country that boasts an elephant population estimated at 130,000 - more than any other nation. Unfortunately, herds here in the Okavango Delta have been hit hard recently: Mysterious die-offs in 2020 claimed about 350 local African bush elephants and the deaths have continued, albeit at a lesser rate. Although the problem is still being studied, one theory is that high water temperatures gave rise to poisonous algae blooms in the animals' watering holes.
© Juan-Carlos Munoz/Minden Pictures