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Norcross Brook and wetlands, Maine, USA

Norcross Brook and wetlands, Maine, USA (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Norcross Brook and wetlands, Maine, USA (© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Deep in the wetlands

Wetlands like those in our homepage image, near Moosehead Lake in the US state of Maine, are an often-underappreciated natural resource. They have a hugely important role to play, linking land and water and helping to protect healthy ecosystems. They provide a home for many species from frogs and insects to songbirds and moose. But they also filter drinking water, provide a natural buffer from storms, absorb flood waters and capture carbon from the atmosphere, helping to reduce the impact of climate change.
© Aaron Black-Schmidt/Tandem Stills + Motion