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Svalbard Global Seed Vault with a glittering facade designed by artist Dyveke Sanne, Svalbard, Norway

Svalbard Global Seed Vault with a glittering facade designed by artist Dyveke Sanne, Svalbard, Norway (© Pal Hermansen/Minden Pictures)

Svalbard Global Seed Vault with a glittering facade designed by artist Dyveke Sanne, Svalbard, Norway (© Pal Hermansen/Minden Pictures)

Even nature needs a backup plan…

This glittering monolith of cold metal buried deep within a mountain was built to house 4.5 million different seed samples, ensuring the planet’s biodiverse plant life can live again, should it be wiped out by some cataclysmic event.
© Pal Hermansen/Minden Pictures