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Canada Day firework show behind the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Canada Day firework show behind the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (© gqxue/iStock Editorial/Gettty Images)

Canada Day firework show behind the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (© gqxue/iStock Editorial/Gettty Images)

Cheers to Canada!

As the sky darkens on Canada Day, a sense of anticipation fills the air over the country. Behind the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, crowds start to gather. Eyes lift toward the sky, waiting for the annual firework show, like the one in today's image, that celebrates the birth of a nation. July 1 commemorates the passing of the British North America Act, 1867, which joined together three British colonies, the Union of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, under the self-governing country of Canada. The anniversary of the Confederation was called Dominion Day until 1982, when Canada became fully independent of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and the celebration was officially renamed Canada Day.
© gqxue/iStock Editorial/Gettty Images