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Guanaco female and newborn baby in grassland, La Pampa Province, Argentina

Guanaco female and newborn baby in grassland, La Pampa Province, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

Guanaco female and newborn baby in grassland, La Pampa Province, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

Grazing and raising

Mothers, the perennial source of love and comfort, may not wear capes, but they are the true heroes in our lives. Mother's Day gives us a moment to embrace the warmth they generously offer. In today's image, we see a guanaco mother and baby, relatives of the llama, roaming the vast grasslands of La Pampa, Argentina. Just like a human mom, a guanaco female is fiercely protective of her child, also known as 'chulengo.'
© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures