Star trail photography taken in Yellowknife
Star trail photography taken in Yellowknife (© Seong-won Jang/EyeEm/Getty Images)
Celestial arcs in the sky
This charming visual in the night sky is known as star trail photography. It is a type of astrophotography that captures each star as streaks, using long exposure times. By looking at this image, you may think the stars are in motion. In fact, it is the Earth that is rotating and the stars are still. To capture star trails, the photographer points the mounted camera at the North Pole Star, Polaris, and the open shutter then enables the camera to shoot the image over a period of time. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. This is apt for star trail photography as there are several photography settings that go into play to get the perfect shot. For now, we’ll just quietly admire the beautiful celestial arcs in this image.
© Seong-won Jang/EyeEm/Getty Images