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The Canadian 'Brooding Soldier' memorial commemorating the second battle of Ypres, St. Julien, Belgium

The Canadian

The Canadian 'Brooding Soldier' memorial commemorating the second battle of Ypres, St. Julien, Belgium (© Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

Lest we forget

Today, we remember those who served Canada during wartime. Pictured here is the St. Julien Memorial located in the village of Saint Julien in Belgium. Standing 11 metres tall, this memorial was unveiled on July 8, 1923 and is also known as The Brooding Soldier. It commemorates the brave Canadians who died in the gas attacks of the First World War. The statue is placed in the middle of a garden which contains soil from across Canada to represent the Canadians who served at the battlefields.
© Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images