Screech owl resting in a tree cavity, Massapequa Preserve, Long Island, New York
Screech owl resting in a tree cavity, Massapequa Preserve, Long Island, New York (© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images)
Resting screech owl
Found in wilderness areas and near human settlements from the Atlantic seaboard to west Texas and up into Montana, Eastern screech owls like this one are well established in the U.S. They're nocturnal creatures, so they sleep during the day and become active after dusk. But don’t worry about you or your pet getting attacked by these owls. While it’s not apparent from this picture, screech owls are tiny–smaller than a pint glass–and prefer to feast on insects, worms, and small rodents.
© Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography/Getty Images