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Arctic wolf family in northern Canada

Arctic wolf family in northern Canada (© 4FR/Getty Images)

Arctic wolf family in northern Canada (© 4FR/Getty Images)

Avatars of the Wolf Moon

The Arctic wolf, or white wolf, is unique among wolves in its light colouring. Supremely adapted to the tundra where it lives, its coloration helps it blend into the landscape as it hunts the caribou, moose, musk oxen, and Arctic hare that make up its diet. A subspecies of the grey wolf, the Arctic wolf lives in the extreme north of the Queen Elizabeth Islands. The other advantage of its habitat is that this remoteness has kept the Arctic wolf population from being hunted extensively. It is currently the only wolf species not endangered or threatened. We’re featuring this handsome trio because tonight will be the Wolf Moon, traditionally the first full moon of the year. The name comes to us by way of the Algonquin people to denote the time of year that hungry wolves could be heard howling outside their homes.
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