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Young alpine marmot

Young alpine marmot (© Jonas Fichtner-Pflaum/Getty Images)

Young alpine marmot (© Jonas Fichtner-Pflaum/Getty Images)

Alpine marmot

The alpine marmot in today's image is a close relative of the groundhog, which is another species of marmot. The alpine marmot is native to central and southern Europe and can be found at altitudes between 800 and 3,200 metres. Weighing between 1.9 to 7 kilograms, they are easily recognised by their round faces, short tails and dense fur that helps them endure chilly mountain climates. When it comes to food, these creatures are herbivores with simple taste. These little champs spend their summer days grazing on grasses, herbs, roots, seeds and flowers, storing up energy for their big event: a roughly nine-month hibernation party. Sometimes they eat grain, worms, insects and spiders. Beyond their hibernation habits, alpine marmots live a highly social lifestyle. They communicate through a variety of vocal sounds, including sharp whistles to warn the group of predators like eagles or foxes. This strong sense of community is key to their survival.
© Jonas Fichtner-Pflaum/Getty Images