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Flock of Swaledale sheep in North Yorkshire, England

Flock of Swaledale sheep in North Yorkshire, England (© R A Kearton/Getty Images)

Flock of Swaledale sheep in North Yorkshire, England (© R A Kearton/Getty Images)

Swaledale sheep in North Yorkshire, England

Swaledale sheep, found primarily in the Yorkshire Dales in England, are hardy and adaptable grazers. Recognisable by the distinctive white colouring around their nose and eyes and their curled horns, they produce coarse durable wool that is used for outerwear and rugs. Swaledale ewes are exceptional mothers, adept at rearing lambs even in the harshest conditions. This breed has become an emblem of the Yorkshire Dales, with the Swaledale ram proudly serving as the logo for the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
© R A Kearton/Getty Images