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Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain

Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain (© Alberto Loyo/Getty Images)

Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain (© Alberto Loyo/Getty Images)

Medieval city walls, Ávila, Spain

The stone structure in today's image is part of the medieval city walls of Ávila in Spain. Within the picturesque confines of these Romanesque fortifications lies its cherished Old Town. It's a place where cobbled streets wind their way past ancient structures, each whispering tales of bygone eras. In 1985, Ávila was included in UNESCO's World Heritage List. The iconic walls that encircle the town were built by the Spanish to protect their territories from the Moors. Built between the 11th and 14th centuries, these fortifications have a perimeter of 2,516 metres, including 88 towers. When they were first built, they served to defend the city against attacks from outsiders; nowadays, visitors can walk around nearly half of the circumference of the walls, enjoying views of the city and the surrounding countryside.
© Alberto Loyo/Getty Images