Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, Canada
Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, Canada (© matt macpherson/500px/Getty Images)
Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, Canada
Nestled in the pristine wilderness of British Columbia, Mount Assiniboine and its surrounding provincial park form a captivating alpine wonderland. Also known as the 'Matterhorn of the Rockies', this majestic peak rises to 3,618 metres, commanding attention with its rugged grandeur. The name Assiniboine pays homage to the Indigenous Assiniboine people who once resided here. Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, a protected expanse spanning over 39,000 hectares, fosters wildlife including grizzlies, cougars and mountain goats. A network of trails weaves through this terrain, providing opportunities for hiking, skiing and camping. Sheltered by the mountains, this park embodies the essence of untamed beauty in the heart of the Canadian Rockies.
© matt macpherson/500px/Getty Images