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Salt flats in Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, California

Salt flats in Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Salt flats in Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

Death Valley National Park, California, USA

Stretching for kilometres below the desert sun, the salt flats of Badwater Basin shine in Death Valley National Park, California, USA. This sweltering spot is the lowest point of elevation of North America, 86 metres below sea level. In this otherworldly landscape, the hardened, mineral surface glistens like a mirror as the scorching heat dances upon it, creating rippling waves in the air. Composed of sodium chloride, borax and other minerals, the flats' brittle crust conceals a treacherous mud layer beneath. For those who venture beyond the flats and up a mountainside, Dante's View reveals a panoramic view of Badwater Basin from a height of nearly 1,676 metres. With its surreal landscapes, Death Valley National Park offers a truly unique experience where an odd beauty thrives despite the harshest of conditions.
© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion