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Common octopus, Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea

Common octopus, Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea (© BIOSPHOTO/Alamy)

Common octopus, Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea (© BIOSPHOTO/Alamy)

Common octopus in sea grass off the coast of France in the Gulf of Lion

The common octopus is a lot more interesting than its name implies. It is considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates. In addition to the central brain, each of its eight arms has a kind of mini-brain that allows it to act independently. Able to solve tricky puzzles, squeeze into holes as small as its tiny beak and deceive predators through disguise and strategic bursts of ink, the common octopus is one of Earth's greatest wonders – even if it seems like it's from another planet. Our squishy friend was photographed in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of France, but octopuses can be found in every ocean of the world.