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Stairway to Heaven trail, Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey, USA

Stairway to Heaven trail, Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey, USA (© Leembe/Getty Images)

Stairway to Heaven trail, Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey, USA (© Leembe/Getty Images)

Stairway to Heaven trail in Wawayanda State Park, New Jersey, USA

Welcome to Wawayanda State Park in the eastern United States. There are about 100 kilometres of hiking trails in this forested park, which is situated in northern New Jersey near the New York border. Many of the trails are covered with wooden planks. The path in our photo takes visitors up to a lookout point on Wawayanda Mountain, where stunning views inspired the trail's name: Stairway to Heaven. The path is part of the Appalachian Trail, which is about 3,500 kilometres long and passes through 14 American states.
© Leembe/Getty Images